Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Late Night truth telling; part 2

12 truths before 11:30pm (written at 11:26pm)

1. It's late and I'm tired
2. There's a lot of fresh snow in Rosebud; it feels like Christmas
3. My feet hurt from wearing healed boots on a raked stage in the show
4. I don't believe in wearing corsets
5. I miss seeing my boys at bedtime
6. This doesn't feel like a blog entry; it feels like a meagre attempt to speak truth
7. I like my hair
8. I want fresh pizza again from the Italian store's dough... um
9. I like oranges
10. I like grapefruit, but I always eat it as a half, cut sideways
11. Weston is going sour on voice-overs and I don't know how to pull him back
12. We're all a part of the Passion Play this summer... God help us.

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