Tuesday, October 11, 2016


A Series of Breakages… Shatterings.

A collapsed bed frame in Milan

A mustard jar on our tiny kitchen floor in L’Abri

A glass hitting a plate from Oma in the kitchen in Sielmingen -- (“Did she fall?”  “Is she okay?!”)

A 1.5 litre unopened glass water bottle on the steps up to our bakery airbnb in Waldshut

A glass coffee table top during a power stage in Nairobi

We are well
And we break things
And we go on
We recount these, and other funny mishaps during a late meal in Saroti, Uganda.
We are over-tired and giddy laughter comes as a huge satisfying belch of release after a day of high stimulus.
We laugh louder and deeper as each episode is recounted with growing hilarity at another’s expense.
We are the only ones in the restaurant now and my belly laugh is building.
We gasp for breath and weekly beg the boys not to go further
The waiter turns away discreetly so as not to show his approval
-- He is on duty and should maintain an air of professionalism
But meanwhile the white family from Canada has a rare charismatic outburst of praise.
Like the Grinch, 
Our hearts are bursting the gauge.
We’re expanding to let in love for the people of Uganda
And these are the sounds of our moulds

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to make room for the New

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