Saturday, October 25, 2008

The end of the week...

Tonight, Donovan and I (and Weston too, a bit) made the best cookies in the world.  No doubt about it.  So soft and gooey-yummy sweet.  We emptied our stash of Halloween Reece's in the middle and oh.  There's no way to eat them fast.  They must be savored slowly with an entire glass of COLD milk.  Oh yeah.  What a great way to end a long week.  Six full days of rehearsal and costume fittings and hair stylings.  I can't stand the smell of hairspray and right now my hair is loaded with it.  It's piled high on the back of my head and has tons of pins and backcombing so I can't even gracefully take it down when rehearsal's done because then I would look like I put my finger in a light socket.
Dave's done a great job this week in helping to manage many of the meals and paying the babysitters and getting Donovan up for school.  I managed to get through most of my singing with grace and still sport a throbbing right neck.  I kept thinking it would get better on its own, but three days later I'm starting to think about massage therapy -- but when? Humm... maybe Monday.
Last night the boys made a fort out of the couch cushions and the rocking chair, then we read some "Voyage of the Dawn Treader".  The boys love weekends.  Today it was sunny early on and they enjoyed making super tunnels in a pile of dirt that got filled in over our septic.  They were so happy.  But then I sensed something in the air.  A cool north wind and a change.  I'm glad I insisted the boys bring in all their toys because the next hour brought a wicked storm with flurries!  We all paused in rehearsal to watch.  The wind whipped up the tiny crystals and dotted the window pane.  It was strange yet safe to be watching from the church with my rehearsal family and wondering about my own family back home.  Magical moments like that should be shared, but sometimes you vibe your dear ones long distance, just hoping they're noticing the same phenomenon.
For all his work, I can see Dave is tired and low.  My mentioning our participation in Sunday School tomorrow did not meet with appreciation.  Sigh.  The laundry is waiting and I can only think of one thing at a time.  
My mind flashes back to rehearsal again.  The end of week two and we're mostly off book.  It's quite a ride because we never leave the stage and go in and out of characters the whole time.  I like the challenge, though.  It's a great privilege... if only I can stay in good health and wellness!
I like Mark, our director.  I've come to find him very supportive and that is especially helpful at this time.  Now if I can just help myself release into easy freedom with the singing on a consistent basis.  I'm hearing it often, but if I get too heady, it's tough.
Thank God for this night off.
The sunset was strangely beautiful.  Maybe it will snow tonight?
Enough for now; time to go connect with my family and try to resist that last cookie...

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