Friday, October 31, 2008


The boys were so excited all day.  My goodness.  It was all about this night.  The candy, another jack-o-lantern, and of course, the costume.  Someone asked Weston, "How come you want to be a clown?"  He responded with a soft sincerity, "Because I look so adorable in the costume!"  He and Dave a Samm had glued pompoms on the front and we clipped curling ribbon to a his Christmas cap for hair.  He was absolutely right.
For all the hype, Halloween is a bit strange.  I like it better in the twilight than the darkness.  Something seems safer and more friendly then.  Although we had ANOTHER Chinook today and it was strangely balmy!  Almost everyone in Rosebud participates, even some of the students.  It's an excuse to get out and see your neighbors a bit, and to greet who comes to your door.  Sad that we need warped old conventions to do that, but at least it's something.
Now we have loads of candy to deal with.  Sigh.  What a strange society we live in.  I wish we were more giving in genuine, lasting ways.  Both the boys were worn out, selfish, and cranky by bath time.  Sigh again.  Halloween, a necessary evil, or a fun creative ritual?  Donovan proclaimed on the way to the bus this morning that it's the best day of the school year, and Weston asserted as he fell into the house dragging his heavy load, "that was awesome!", but I'm confused.
Donovan was pretty pleased when we finally broke down and got him the Peekachu costume yesterday.  It was original because it was from a second hand store and obviously had been "made with love" as Dave says.  At any rate, it was exactly what he wanted and after putting him off for days we finally made it happen.  But when it came to trick or treating, Donovan was not hip to stay with Mom or Dad for long.  He wanted to run with the older boys and leave little brother behind.  This made me sad.  He's growing out of our laps and growing into COOL.  Dave and I both clashed with him tonight and we don't know what else to do but keep trying to talk to him.  He seems to be needing to assert his own power over his actions and time, and yet there's not a lot of time for it. -- I wish I didn't have rehearsal tomorrow just so I could be alongside him on his day off.  We'll see what tomorrow brings, maybe I'll still have a chance in my off time.
...The Reece's (or as my Mom says, "Resers") were delicious.  The perfect Halloween candy from the colors on the wrapper to the size, shape, and gooey tasty chocolatey peanut butter filling.  And I have some left over.  Heh, heh, ho de ho -- help!

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