Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Community Christmas Concert 09

Sunday was our Community Christmas Concert.
It was a full afternoon with singing and dramatic readings: (David did the mercy and truth speech from Babbette's Feast), and finally our long awaited Silent Night with the Sunday School.
Well, then a special guest came and the boys each had a turn to sit on his lap.
This picture of Weston lying down in Grace's lap is when the mice snuggle in to sleep. Weston was both a mouse and Rudy Gruber. Donovan was Herr Bergermeister, the mayor of Oberndorf, and also the tenor in the little choir. They did great. It was fun to share the story and the backdrop really helped to provide a backstage area as well as give a beautiful view from Oberndorf Church.

I love the picture with Weston facing out and singing. I had encouraged the choir to face the audience more, and he remembered and even had a little moment where he kept singing for a beat or two when they were supposed to hum, but he wasn't embarrassed. It was so sincere.

The Santa pictures are very telling. Weston is still a little miffed that there's no real Santa except St. Nick who has gone on to the big life in heaven, so he's politely and shyly tolerating this fake Santa Clause.
Donovan, however, doesn't care if Santa's real or not, he's just getting busy naming all the things he wants for Christmas, and Santa is nearly falling asleep. Ha. (Not really sleeping, but Donovan was funny with his list.)

The last picture is our group doing "A partridge in a pear tree." 'Course we had to do it 12 times so we got a little tired.
Afterwards there were goodies and the boys went sledding, even though it was bitter cold.

Yesterday it was bitter cold and even a bit slippery on the roads when we left for Calgary, so we turned around and came back. I was supposed to go to the eye specialist, but we decided it was not that important and stayed safe and warm at home instead. That's the second time I've done that in the last two weeks.

So... we leave Sunday for Oregon and there's much to do, just like every year at this time. Thankfully we are safe and warm and have so much.

A big thank you to Randall Wiebe who took these photos and made them available off his website.

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