Friday, December 11, 2009

Cozy productivity like busy little beavers

Still wonderfully white around here.
I'm chipping away at my play and making some changes.
I went back and read some of Henry's poetry and I was amazed at how much is scattered throughout my play. --Not just in poetic form, but in images, songs and stage directions. It was encouraging to realize how steeped I am in Longfellow's work.
Sometimes it makes me cry.
I uncovered some more poetry that I wanted to add in, so I did.
Probably I will have to remove some other poetry now, as my audience can only absorb so much in the course of the play.
Dave went in to town yesterday to attend an assembly where Donovan received an award. That's when I got most of my writing done, but when he first left I sang for a while.
When no one is home is usually the only time I feel free to sing as fully as I wish.
I sang like I was a soloist in Handel's Messiah. I sang so loud the oven hood rang for a beat after I finished. I just kept finding more sound and getting more and more open. I sounded like an opera singer. I might need to explore that sound some more in lessons next term.
It's strange not getting many opportunities to perform and yet finding ways to still express.
I'm like a cheerleader and enabler for all my students, but I need one too.
My deadline is nearing and I'm anxious to get back to writing.
Poor Weston and David are hacking with coughs so we're all lacking a bit of sleep. But thank God it's a weekend for the boys and they get to stay up late. Right now they're watching Princess Bride.
The same lines still make me laugh. "Inconceivable!"
The picture of David and I was taken by Cassia on the cold bus ride to Calgary on Monday. We look like old peasants! Ha.
Rosebud School of the Arts is winding up the term this next week and you can sense it in the air, and in the weary, sparkly eyes of the students. I can't believe we fly to Oregon in eight days! Eeek.
Well, we have a lot to do, but the end is near.
It's nice to have long underwear.

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