Saturday, December 12, 2009

We are given everything we need... eventually

We're on the eve of our Silent Night show. The boys' Sunday School classes rehearse for the last time tomorrow morning for our 2pm performance at the Community Hall.
This top picture is a view from Oberndorf, Austria where the famous Christmas Carol originated. The famous Oberndorf church organ broke down and the Christmas service went on as planned, but on guitar instead and with the fresh lyrics from Joseph Mohr written in the common language of the people.
The boys have done well with their parts and we'll all be glad to see it culminate as it's shared with an audience.
It's still very cold and white. Tiny dustings of snow continue to fall and keep things white. --I should be writing my play, but I'm tired. Hopefully I'll get back to it soon.
It was a struggle to get the boys to help pick up the house today. Such a challenge. But while I was working side by side with them on their floor, folding clothes and trying to avoid stepping on stray Lego's. Weston was going through his "Thing Finder" box and pulled out a little pin. I had said he could have this pin from my button collection last time he saw me mending his pants. Then he said," Donovan, when we're older and living together, but not at home any more -- just waiting for the girls we're going to marry... I'm gonna sell this pin, and get us some money." It was so sweet, and so noble. He was already considering how to provide for he and his brother, and just assumed that this tiny coat of arms pin must be worth hundreds. I looked closer at the pin. I was given this in Moscow back in 1988, back when Russia was the USSR. The little hammer and sickle were visible on the top. Such a long time ago, now. I couldn't crush his spirits by telling him I didn't think it was worth much. But then... maybe it is.
Later Donovan said, "Mom, sometimes I wish dreams could come true so bad. I had the best dream of my life last night." "That's great Donovan. Who knows, maybe it could come true." "No, mom. It's impossible." He didn't want to tell me the dream so I didn't push, but I tried to tell him that sometimes God gives us our greatest desires do come true, just in ways we never imagined, and usually more fully. Donovan was not appeased. He wants his dream to come true the way he wants it.
I'm that way a lot.
I won't tolerate any other solution than the one I want, and I will often reject a blessing in disguise.
I usually complain about being stuck with reluctant boys who don't want to work and crave time to be creative and productive on my ambitions. But then if I didn't get down on the floor with them once in a while I wouldn't hear about their dreams, and about their thoughts on life and marriage and future financial propositions.
For it is through challenge and difficulties that some of the greatest art is made -
It is out of necessity that we shift our dreams only to discover years later that we have been given everything we need, AND everything we wanted in a different form.

For it is only through sacrifice that I come to know freedom.

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