Sunday, March 7, 2010

On the upswing... I hope.

The sun is really giving us all a bit more energy. I couldn't sleep in long, even after trying. The boys were up early on a Sunday and I had time to prepare to take over Dave's Sunday School class and roast garlic for my turkey eggplant soup! Yep. Soup Sunday!
I got to teach Weston and Annika's class and I tried out my "Little Lost Lamb" children's series on them. Basically, Little Lost Lamb is a wandering hobo looking for traces of the Maker of the Universe. He comes upon a pub on the edge of a forest with a buxom badger barmaid and orders a milk. He looks around at all the other rough characters at the other tables: fish talking about a huge whale swallowing a man, bears swearing they were told to mall small children, and ravens cawing about a bread delivery service. Basically, little Lamby learns he must venture through the back door (which is really a portal into the wilderness) if he wants to hear the voice of the Maker of the Universe. Lamby finally plucks up his courage and goes and eventually comes across Hagar and Ishmael, Moses and the Israelites, Elijah, and Jesus... all wandering in the desert. You see, this way I can add more Bible stories each time...
I've finally scratched the surface on my big play again and hope to write more tomorrow.
I'm still confused sometimes about what to focus on when there's needy growing children that I don't want to miss out on, as well as a husband who loves a clean house.... but I will look for those writing windows as they are what will help me mend in terms of confidence and energy. It's intimidating to sit down to a 78 page script and try and improve it. Nonetheless, I hope to email it off tomorrow evening to my new dramaturge to get the conversation started.
Spring seems to have come and wants to stay; much earlier than last year. The birds are already singing! Part of me wonders if we're still in for more snow, though.
My soup turned out OK. Now I'm quite into the flavor of roasted eggplant.
I made some cinnamon buns when I got home from church while Donovan painted a big box like the Ark of the Covenant and Weston longed to go to the playground. Dave still has spring cleaning urges that I try to accommodate when I can. My spine is slumping even when I sit on a big ball at the computer, so I know I need to strengthen my abs. I long for motivation to help me with these tasks that seem like work. Why am I still such a rebel who prefers being lazy? Did I miss the coming of age point where I get to have adult instincts?
Well, my child is off adventuring up the hill and I'd like to join him this time so I'll cut it short.
Here's hoping this week'll be full of new motivation and discipline!

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