Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A break to take in the little things.

Well, I worked on my play today.
Added a few scenes and cut a tiny scene.
Invented some history and changed some facts around.
Whew! That takes a lot out of ya!
Then it was time for Weston and I to go exploring.
I suppose it's good to still have one boy home most of the time, or I wouldn't find myself inspecting bugs as often.
We listened for a while by the ponds to the red-winged blackbird symphony, then we moved on to the clicking frogs, honking geese, and killdeer shrills from the field. Finally we heard our first big bumblebee of the season.
Then we biked it home and read the story of Florence Nightingale.
I also gave the lawn it's first haircut of the year, and that really didn't take long at all.
Tonight we all go to Karate.
I'm still longing to write even more, but I must pace myself now and share time with Weston and Donovan.
I hope to get back at it tomorrow.
I still have a lump in my throat when I think about it; it's so big and precious and scary. It's got so many bits of story that I love, but it's too long and complicated for most listeners outside my head.
Oh, I long for voice-over work. I wish there wasn't a limit on auditioning with voice123. If I could, I would submit four jobs a day. I love it that much. It's like each audition script is a chance to take on a new character, a new challenge.
I must wait.
And wait.
And Audition when I can.
And be picky.
Back to the playwriting, after the child bathing, after the menu planning, after the dishes, after the house talk with my husband.
it sure was bright today!
Maybe tomorrow I'll go watch ants again.

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