Saturday, September 8, 2012

True to the Earlobes...

This pair of earrings were given to me by my dear Aunt Pat.  It is no longer easy for her to wear them, and she knew I loved the color.  Usually I find them a bit fancy for everyday wear, but I chose to wear them Tuesday in honor of her, and me.  I am honoring the giver or the occasion in this week as I celebrate different bits of jewelry I own that most often sit on my dresser, longing to be admired for it’s value once again, both in beauty and personal connection.

So, hurrah to the blue topaz, and an even bigger hurrah to my Aunt Pat, who is such a dear friend to my mother and beloved of everyone who knows her.

On Wednesday I donned yet another pair of blue/turquoise earrings.  Yes, I often wear this color.  Must have been a peacock in a former life...  These original teardrops were given to me by my mom and dad in a special little square box one Christmas after their visit to the Holy Land.  I still house them in that little box with the bed of cotton fluff.  I love their color.  I can not think of a greater color combination than blue/green.  I must be not only part peacock, but part mermaid, as they call me to the sea.  The color and sheen thrill me, and they know that, which makes the gift specific.  These earrings are also very elegant, and do not get worn much, but I boldly wore them on an average, casual kind of day, where I mainly saw my kids, but hey - I was special.

I can not remember where Dave got this green pair that I wore on Thursday.  I think it must have been Chemainus.  They are subtley elegant, and a bit long for everyday running around, but on Thursday I sported a fun green dress in honor of Toad of Toad Hall auditions, (that I'm directing in the Studio Stage this fall), and it only seemed right to wear the green for once without the influence of blue.  More toad-like, if you will.

 Now these danglers are my red chandelier earrings.  I usually wear them about once a year at Christmas.  But I wore them Friday night to the opening gala of Tuesdays With Morrie here at Rosebud Theatre starring Morris Ertman and my husband David Snider.  It was a wonderful, heartfelt, funny show, with palpable, truthful acting every moment.  Great stuff, and after watching bits of the political rallies last week, I must admit I imagined myself a bit like a first lady championing my husband in my LONG red dress and dangly earrings. There are only so many occasions to wear a red dress, let alone a long red dress with earrings, so, even though I was of course the ONLY one wearing a long red dress, I was proud to do so, in honor of the importance of the night for our family.  By the way, said red dress was a VERY comfortable knit thingy that was cool and easy to be in, and it was NEW from my trip to Oregon in July and had been secretly waiting in my closet for just this day to it's debut.

And here is said red dress with sporty tablecloth turned shawl for evening walk home standing beside said husband.  I love getting to go to the theatre all the time.  Between theatre and church, I get many excuses to wear dresses if I feel like it.

And of course there's Davey in his new suaveness after a bearded Matthew all summer in Anne.  He, as usual, sports the autumnal palette, and is flanked by his beloved gladiolas.

As I mentioned on facebook, Dave's favorite favorite flower is the sunflower, of which we have several suddenly blooming in our backyard patch garden, just in time for our anniversary.  Amazing.

Which brings me to my final offering of the week: the perfect earring.  This green/blue dollop was given to me by David one Christmas partnered by a lovely matching necklace with matching beads and stars of blue and turquoise.  Sorry I'm not wearing the necklace yet, but these earrings are so versatile, I could wear them every day.  If only I wore earrings every day, which I never have until these last five days as I'm trying to honor my jewelry - or test drive them, if you will, before I sift through and let some go.  (Oh yes, and I love that this pic also includes The Edge, Larry and Bono in the background... very Dave.)

I've enjoyed this challenge to wear and document my jewelry choices and personal connections this week, and may continue, but I'm aware that it is a bit of a set up for the reader.  Little anecdotes that verge on sentiment - and I feel compelled to state that there are several other thoughts I have, both noble and sinful throughout the day that are not chronicled here.  But finding significance in these little earrings is a way of practicing the discovery of goodness throughout life, and for that I am grateful, because it helps me live with greater intention, which helps me have a certain integrity in this time of thoughtful transition.


Anonymous said...

Such a great piece Jeany! This is my kind of beautiful story. This is life at it's fullest. I am proud of you for wearing that Long Red Dress and those Chandelier Ear-rings to Opening Night of "Tuesdays", to honor Dave and the hard work he has put into this show. Love You Dearly!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and one other thing I forgot to mention; No one but you could make a tablecloth look that elegant!

Jeany Meltebeke Snider said...

Ha. Thanks Charlie. Here's to little things.