Charmander |

Our last day in Italy, by Donovan Snider.
So, we woke up to the sound of a car alarm, and that reminded me of Rosebud Theatre, and how sometimes a patron's car alarm will go off and disrupt a performance -- that was a nice reminder of home.
This was the day we had set aside to go to Sempione Park - a gorgeous place in the heart of Milano, with a castle at one entrance, and Napoleon's arch of peace, at the other.
We came here mainly because Weston had found in his research, that this was an excellent place to catch "Charmander", which is a rather difficult Pokemon to catch in Pokemon Go.
We had a great time at the park.
After that, we headed to a sports store called Decathlon in hopes of purchasing some good quality soccer balls and pumps to share with the friends we will meet in Africa.
...Little did I know, I was about to commit my first international crime. Dunh dunh duhhh! [sound effects from Mom].
So, as we were leaving the store, with my backpack full of merchandize, the security scanner screamed an alarm (reminiscent of the prophetic one I had awoken to that morning). The security guard showed on his phone a picture of some nice teal socks that had come up as not paid for. !!! And I recognized them as ones I had looked at earlier and tucked away to have my hands free when testing out soccer balls.
--Dad said I played the "oh, I didn't know that was in there" card very well (like a true actor),
... even though I was being truthful.
Long story short, we had to buy the socks, but thankfully they didn't press charges.
In the evening, after a lot of walking and growing very tired, we returned to our faithful apartment and prepared a gorgeous spread to share with our friends Carlo and Allessandra, who had done so much for us.
I loved it.
It was a wonderful and extravagant way to bring our time in Italy to a close.

DONOVAN!!?!! lol That made me laugh. I always knew there was some criminal in you! (Totally joking!)
The SHOCKED at this hilarious discovery, (Once again, the mock drama!)
Katie :)
Glad to hear you are honing your international criminal skills!
Those fleeting reminders of home are powerful, no?
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