Being tuned. Listen. Sense. Smell. Acknowledge. Notice.
Be present.
Lesson 11 offers an encouragement to be personally aware, which invites you to simultaneously be objectively curious and observant.
That is exciting.
It's like being Sherlock Holmes with Watson's heart.
She says that then we don't have to react. Our first response does not have to be to fight or flight as though the stakes were survival.
Mysteriously or not, the load lightens with awareness. And new habits can develop.
I want that.
I'm grateful for my new habit of blogging and mindfulness thanks to this "Year to Clear" course.
How was I not free to do it before?
Ah yes...
The boys get up early and ride the bus to school with a home packed lunch during most of the year.
This is summer, and the sun is up early beckoning me to get up and get on with living, even while my growing beautiful boys are still resting soundly with sunlight pouring in their bedroom.
They were so striking last night during their talk back after their film premiere.
What an interesting opportunity to observe them articulate their process and their joys and challenges and discoveries in making a film with their friends.
The storyline of the film was complex, and so were some of the shots. They spent hours and hours together watching how-to videos, discussing the script, the costumes, the locations and sets, the sounds and images.
In the talkback they were confident and witty, honest and clear.
I got to observe them as a curious outsider, and not worry about how it may reflect on me. Such a joy. Yes, there were some who spoke to me afterwards and complimented me on my obvious good parenting, noting that "these kids are not normal". But you see, I marvel at them too. I'm not sure how they became so dedicated and gifted. I think they see a lot of audacity in Dave and I and in other artists here in Rosebud. Perhaps that gives them the idea that they could succeed at whatever they set their mind to.
Well, they are thriving. And a celebratory premiere is the pinnacle of that feeling. From this vantage point, I would have to search back in my mind to uncover all the stresses, the arguments, the hurt feelings, and the anger I witnessed that was also a part of the process. But like the birth of newborn child, all the labour pains have faded.
We are so proud of their imagination, cooperation, stick-to-it-tiveness, sense of humour, and ambition.
Well done young Sniders.
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