Friday, July 6, 2018

Day 1 of Spaciousness.

I just signed up for a year long course in spaciousness and decluttering.

I do not usually do this kind of "online purchasing", especially with self help courses that stir up common sense to the point where I can end up saying, "I knew that".

But this one caught me.

It has a daily prompt.  --Something that might just partner with me in a way that keeps me accountable to myself and the person I long to become.


Here I go.

I will attempt to write here along with my journey, for any who wish to follow.

I don't know how much to censor, or how much to divulge in a public space like this.  I trust that discernment will be exercised and sway from time to time, but I will be honest.

God help me to care for myself with this new adventure and I hope you, the possible reader, may also be enriched and inspired.


Here is a quote I received on day 1: "The call to adventure is the point in a person's life when they are first given notice that everything is going to change, whether they know it or not."--Joseph Campbell, The Hero's Journey

I can't help but think of Bilbo Baggins setting off after first declining to journey with the dwarfs.  (Funny that dwarfs doesn't have a "v"...)

Related image 

My first word to contemplate: Departing.

noun: departure; plural noun: departures
  1. the action of leaving, typically to start a journey.
    "the day of departure"
    synonyms:leaving, going, leave-taking, withdrawal, exit, egress, retreat
    "he tried to delay her departure"
    • a deviation from an accepted, prescribed, or traditional course of action or thought.
      "a departure from their usual style"
      synonyms:deviation, divergence, digression, shift; More
      variation, change
      "a departure from the norm"
      change, innovation, novelty, rarity
      "an exciting departure for filmmakers"
    • Nautical
      the east–west distance between two points, especially as traveled by a ship or aircraft and expressed in miles.
I have begun.

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