Thursday, July 12, 2018

Lesson 7; End of week 1 check-in

Lots of thoughts are bubbling up as I embark on this year long clearing journey.

I think a lot of change is ahead if I continue to step into the clearer, truer, more wise me -- other things will have to be shed.

I've considered some dream job opportunities that seem out of reach,

but it's uncanny how they have come across my path.

Now I see that the phrase is to "shed layers by shining light"; that makes so much more sense than "shedding layers by shedding light".  Ha.

She goes on to speak of the action of clearing being more organic and actually focusing on what not to.  She speaks of clutter as having emotional stuckness and a resistance to pattern encoded into it.  In other words, clutter in the home is clutter in my mind and emotional life.  Things pile up and get ignored and stepped around instead of being sorted and smallened.

"soften, bubble up, and release"

A reminder of the slow approach, the 5 S's and the patient work of rewiring instead of reacting.

Slow down

I'm still squirmy and impatient.  One of the main areas I have vision to begin is in processing and downsizing my art on my walls.  The tricky thing is knowing where to store the art or the empty frames, even art that I may want to save but not put up on my walls right now... where should it live?


I had to go do many other things before returning to this page to find it unfinished.

Off to a warm sunny summer day.

And by the way...

Have you EVER seen black petunias?

Me neither... until last Monday.

Beautiful velvety darkness -- no longer an oxymoron.

But dreams sometimes come from unexpected places.


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