Friday, February 26, 2010

Rosebud Olympics; part two

Well, we did it again! Another day of Olympic activity in Rosebud Alberta. Donovan announced it in church and by the end of the event we had 22 people!
The weather was beautiful this time and it was fun to see big and bigger kids come out and participate too. The judges awarded spirit, form, sense of humor, as well as time and distance. Again, Donovan made the medals from scratch, and
Weston was a surprise winner in the snowboard largely because of his super form.

Little Kaia Wilson could not get enough of tobaggoning with Grandma Renita and Uncle Jonny.
I loved seeing everyone participate and cheer others on.
We've been so captivated by the Olympics on our computer. Its terribly exciting and thrilling. It's strange to see such familiar territory with the shots of downtown Vancouver and even the perspective from Whistler across the sound to Vancouver Island, our old home!
Go Canada!
(and USA)...

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