Monday, April 12, 2010

Where we're at... quotes and check in.

Weston: "Dad, are you supposed to have big hairs growing out of your nose?"
Donovan: "I heard your voices and I woke to the sun pouring in from my window and I was so happy 'cause I knew I slept in, and I was so cozy."
Weston: "Can you carry me to the breakfast table by my ankles?"
Donovan: "Excuse me, I let one go. --Just goes to show how comfortable I feel with you all."
Weston: "I liked that there were so many rocks on the risers cause that means many people were being cared for."
Last night, the boys participated in a Kid's Choir play at Rosebud Church and they were adorable. They did so well. It was fun for Dave and I to see them make some clever choices and put it out there.
We finally ended the Easter break and Donovan went back to school this morning. It's felt long for me I'm sorry to say because it's been such a struggle for Dave and I to get our work done with the boys home all the time. But the concert last night was a good capper and now Weston is stuck with Mommy and Daddy today and no brother to play with.
He and Donovan had some great fun in the dirt last week. I think they may have bathed every day just to clean up from play time.
I wish I had the time. This is wind up time for the term and everyone is feeling it.
The show David has been directing: The Keeper opens this week and then he'll have a bit more time on the weekends.
I'm scared I won't get to write my play with all my other commitments and ambitions, but here's hoping the first two weeks in May pan out with fresh inspiration.

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