Saturday, September 3, 2016

A chat with Weston...

Mom: Hello Weston, how's it going?

W: Pretty good.

Mom: Why?

W: Because we're leaving on a trip soon.

Mom: And what makes that a good thing?

W: Because we're going to see the world.

Mom: You know we're not seeing the whole world, right?

W: Yep.

Mom: What are you looking forward to?

W: Switzerland, because of the peace and quiet and relaxation.

Mom: What about hiking?

W: Yeah, hiking should be fun.

Mom: How's your Italian?

W: Not too great.

Mom: What are you excited about for Italy?

W:  I am looking forward to seeing a new place and eating good food.

Mom: A lot of people have been asking about your schooling while your gone.

W: (cheekily) Oh they have, have they?

Mom: What do you have to say to them.

W: Quit yer worryin'.  It's all fine.  My teachers said I don't have to do any work.  And that I should have fun.  And that I'm getting the best education I can by going on this trip.

Mom: What do you hope to learn?

W: I hope that I can learn about cultures and I hope that I can be relaxed and have a really nice time.

Mom: Does the traveling part bother you?

W: Not much.

Mom: Are you bringing Brown Bear?

W: Yeah.

Mom: Is he excited to come?

W: Yes he is; quite.

Mom: What's been the hardest thing about getting ready?

W: Saying goodbye to friends for a while.

Mom: I see.


Mom: Anything else you want to add?

W: This trip is so great, because not every family gets a chance like this and I think it's important. 

Au Revoir!

Mom: Thanks West.