Day 3: Shedding Layers by Shedding Light
- How I hope to feel as a result of clearing what no longer serves and supports me is______More myself. My mature self that is not ruled by ego or indecision or fear of losing freedom so I eat dessert first.
- What I hope to let go of is______Reliving past mistakes. I want to grieve them and leave them with grace for myself and others.
- What I hope to attract is______Confidence in my leadership and vision, without wavering when others feel uncertain. Assurance in my instincts, and room to let others not participate to their own loss without feeling responsible or judged unfairly.
- These goals sound wordy and lofty right now.
- I understand "shedding layers", but what does "shedding light" mean?
- Perhaps a happy refining person shares light like a cat loses its fur. It just comes off of them and leaves a trail of reflective matter behind.
- Perhaps a person who is shedding can let go of both painful and glorious moments in their past in order to discover new glory right in front of them.
- I would like to learn to allow others to be where they are at without being hurt by their fear masked as controlling expertise. But lately I find others attempts to control me quite painful. I see through them to their fear and yet they continue to school me in the obvious.
- How do I keep moving down my path with joy when this happens? I know I must see them as the hurt little child who learned to put up walls to survive, but in each situation of injustice I want to hold the controlling man to account. How dare they get away with it?
- Because he has never learned how to be soft and safe, that is how he got hurt in the first place.
- My path can feel quite lonely.
- Most men in leadership carry this history of loss and covered by lack of reflection and it results in action that is repetitive and minimal.
- In contrast, I want to raise my young men to be flexible life-long learners.
- I am shedding...
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